Cast news

At the Shotglass we like to keep up with what our favourite Losties are getting up to. Interviews with cast members about Lost or other side projects will be posted as and when they are released.

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  • Niki

  • Tuesday, March 18, 2008

    Here's a great interview with Henry Ian Cusick-- Our BELOVED Des!

    (from the HenryIanCusick Group at Yahoo)

    Stupid Questions To Ask A Brit:

    Q: Do you drink tea?
    A: Only when I've run out of everything else

    Q: if yes, what kind do you drink most?
    A: The one in the cupboard

    Q: Do you drink hot tea?
    A: It starts off hot, finishes cold

    Q: if yes, do you take it black or with milk &/or sugar
    A: milk and sugar

    Q: or the American way (with lemon)?
    A: If I'm ill, with whiskey *(That's our SHOTGLASS MEMBER!!!-niki)

    Q: Coke or Pepsi?
    A: Pepsi

    Q: Diet or Regular?
    A: Regular

    Q: Ever been to Culloden?
    A: Culloden Castle...

    Q: Ever traversed the Chunnel?
    A: Yes

    Q: Ever visited Stonehenge?
    A: No

    Q: The French...nice or not?
    A: Nice, especially Parisian waiters

    Q: What's your favourite pub food?
    A: Salt and vinegar crisps

    Q: Ever had haggis?
    A: Yes, mmmm!

    Q: What is the difference between a crumpet and an English muffin?
    A: Crumpet's tastier...

    Q: Do you watch Dr. Who?
    A: No

    Q: if yes, which Doctor is (was) your favourite?

    Q: Who is funnier, Benny Hill or Rowan Atkinson?
    A: Shouldn't that be 'who WAS funnier?'

    Q: What is the best British comedy ever made,Blackadder or Fawlty Towers?
    A: Between these two, Blackadder

    Q: Is Monty Python the best thing to ever come out of the UK?
    A: Maybe 30 years ago

    Q: Do you laugh while watching Ab Fab?
    A: Never

    Q: Who had the best music in the 60's, UK or USA?
    A: UK

    Q: 70's?
    A: UK

    Q: 80's?
    A: UK

    Q: Do females play footie in the UK?
    A: Yes

    Q: Can you name one?
    A: Isabelle...she's playing outside with my son

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