Cast news

At the Shotglass we like to keep up with what our favourite Losties are getting up to. Interviews with cast members about Lost or other side projects will be posted as and when they are released.

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  • Toni
  • or
  • Niki

  • Friday, July 18, 2008

    Success on ‘Lost’ brings bit of chaos

    Michael Emerson's life remained relatively quiet after he earned an Emmy nomination last year for his enthralling interpretation of Benjamin Linus on "Lost." But Emerson's popularity is soaring after a stellar season and yet another best supporting actor nomination yesterday.


    "Last year there wasn't any hubbub about it; there was no media," he said from New York. "This year it was a three-ring circus at my house. At one point this morning I had two competing television crews in my humble living room. TV Guide was packing up and 'Access Hollywood' was setting up, and I had the Associated Press on the phone. And I had to be in a cab at noon if I was going to get to the airport safely. It was a bit zany."


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