Cast news

At the Shotglass we like to keep up with what our favourite Losties are getting up to. Interviews with cast members about Lost or other side projects will be posted as and when they are released.

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  • Niki

  • Thursday, July 17, 2008

    Lost: How a Certain TV Mega-Hunk Stole My Identity

    When you look like actor Josh Holloway (tall, blond, chiseled face, perfect biceps, and cut-up abs) and you’re considered to be the hot guy in the TV series Lost, life can be pretty sweet. But when you’re Josh Holloway (scrawny, brown, puffy hair, glasses)—also an actor—you’ve apparently got a lot of explaining to do. Holloway does just that with Lost: How a Certain TV Mega-Hunk Stole My Identity, a show in which he discusses the hardships of being him. Holloway did consider changing his name to Josh Joshoway, but then he’d lose out on all the perks: more auditions, reservations at fancy restaurants, and actually having dates (although it quickly turns into a “Who are you again?” situation). “I think there’s more than enough room in this world for the two of us to peacefully co-exist,” he says. “And I really hope, one day, he and I can go to coffee and talk about that.” DNA totally messed with the wrong man.


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