Cast news

At the Shotglass we like to keep up with what our favourite Losties are getting up to. Interviews with cast members about Lost or other side projects will be posted as and when they are released.

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  • Sunday, October 12, 2008


    LOST star EVANGELINE LILLY stumbled into acting while she was "doing a psychological exercise" by going to auditions.
    The 29-year-old simply wanted to challenge her fears of acting up in front of the harshest critics when she discovered she had a talent for the craft.
    She explains, "I had no intention for it to connect to a job. So when I got a job, I had to sit down and go, 'Do I want to be an actor?'"
    Lilly reveals the job she landed was her role as Kate Austen on Lost.
    Before her acting took off, the pretty star dreamed of becoming a flight attendant.
    She adds, "I wanted to see the world, and I didn't have money. I was living on tea and peanut butter... so I went and I did the flight attendant training."
    But her high-flying dreams didn't last long: "I did the job for one month and I quit."


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