Cast news

At the Shotglass we like to keep up with what our favourite Losties are getting up to. Interviews with cast members about Lost or other side projects will be posted as and when they are released.

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  • Sunday, October 12, 2008

    Evi stays away from beaches.

    EVANGELINE Lilly refuses to set foot on a beach.

    The Canadian beauty -- who played a sexy castaway on hit show Lost -- has come to hate being seen as a bikini babe and the attention that comes with it -- she's had to give up her love of the sun, sea and surf.

    Lilly explains, "I've had to change my whole life,

    "For the last two years in Hawaii I won't be caught dead on the beach. I can't go because I'm tired of seeing myself in a bikini on the cover of a tabloid magazine and being that woman.

    "I'm not that woman. If I was that woman then great I'd go down to the beach every day and would wear the cutest bikini anyone has ever seen. But in order to kind of represent myself in the public eye, I've stopped going to the beach."


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