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  • Friday, February 29, 2008

    This article is why I LOVE MATTHEW! from NIKI

    From Empire Magazine:

    Where is the weirdest place you’ve ever been sick?
    My wife and I traveled to Jamaica 15 years ago. Oh God that was a crazy trip! We stayed in this little bungalow out on the water, baked out of our minds for the first three days. We were just so stoned! And then we got sick and proceeded to get stoned ‘cos that makes you feel better.

    Have you ever knowingly broken the law?
    No comment. Yeah, all the time! I’ve done plenty of illegal narcotics, but I think everyone knowingly breaks the law pretty often, don’t they? I can’t imagine living my life abiding by the law completely. That’d be tough to do.

    How much is a pint of milk?
    There’s four of them in a gallon, right? A pint of milk, 16 ounces. How much would it cost? In Hawaii, a gallon of milk is like $6, so we’re talking $1.50. Buck 50.

    When were you last naked outdoors?
    Eight days ago. I’m naked outdoors a lot - I live in Hawaii - if naked outdoors means walking out to the pool naked and jumping and walking back inside.

    What’s your karaoke song of choice?
    Fake Plastic Trees, Radiohead. Thats a tough song! I like Radiohead a lot. I don’t think I’m a great singer, but I enjoy doing it.

    What happens when you die?
    All the moisture leaves your body and you turn back into carbon and you fall back into [the earth]…. Nothing else happens. That’s it.

    What’s the most embarrassing CD in your collection?
    I don’t have any embarrassing CDs. I am such a fanatical editor, I go through my Itunes collection every month and nix everything I feel don’t holds up. I’m pretty tough.

    What’s your nickname?
    People call me Foxy, and in my family my Dad calls me Foo. My younger brother, who’s three years younger than me, couldn’t pronounce Matthew - he kept saying Ma-Foo, so my old man just took the Foo part.

    What would your last meal be?
    It would be my Mum’s Thanksgiving dinner, which is your classic turkey…and she makes the most amazing stuffing and mashed potatoes and peas, and the gravy’s really good. And homemade cranberry sauce, which is key.

    What was the last Movie you walked out of?
    I think there’s a lot to be learned from watching a movie that doesn’t work. So I don’t think I’ve ever done that.

    Who was your first movie crush?
    Kathleen Turner, Body Heat. She was dangerously hot in that movie.

    Who is the most famous person in your address book?
    Susan Sarandon. I did Speed racer last summer and we’re mum and son in that, so we got to be really good friends. She’s awesome.

    Ever had a bad experience on a plane?
    No, I’ve been luck with that. I’m a pilot, I fly gliders, so I enjoy flying.

    On a scale of one to ten, how hairy is your arse?

    I love it! I love that question! That’s the best question I’ve got! I’m gonna give it a 6.5!

    John C. Reilly said only four…I think he’s definitely got a hairier arse than me, man! That’s the thing you’d have to see what a one is and what a ten is and then you could get an accurate description. But I’m going to stick with a 6.5.

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